I am an Assistant Professor in the Mathematics Department at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. I recently completed my postdoctoral position at the University of Sydney working with A/Prof. Milena Radnović. I completed my Ph.D. in mathematics at the University of California Santa Cruz under the supervision of Prof. Richard Montgomery. My research is in geometry and dynamical systems, with a particular focus on billiards within confocal quadrics, magnetic variants of billiard systems, and integrable systems.
When I am not thinking about math, I can usually be found on a bushwalk, in a yoga class, cycling up hills, or generally outside.
Research Publications
(recent highlights)
S. Gasiorek, Linear Stability of Periodic Trajectories in Inverse Magnetic Billiards. arXiv:2106.05676 [math.DS], 2022 (under review).
S. Gasiorek and M. Radnović, Periodic Trajectories and Topology of the Integrable Boltzmann System. Recent Progress in Special Functions, Contemporary Mathematics, vol. 807, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, pp. 111-130 (2024). DOI: 10.1090/conm/807.
V. Dragović, S. Gasiorek, and M. Radnović, Integrable Billiards on a Minkowski Hyperboloid: Extremal Polynomials and Topology. Sbornik: Mathematics, Vol 213, no. 9, pp. 34-69 (2022). DOI: 10.4213/sm9662.
Research Talks and
Conference Presentations (recent highlights)
67th Annual Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society, University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Aus, December 7, 2023: Dynamics and Periodicity Conditions for the Integrable Boltzmann System
11th Workshop on Integrable Systems, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Aus, December 1, 2023: Dynamics and Periodicity Conditions for the Integrable Boltzmann System
Mathematical Billiards: at the Crossroads of Dynamics, Geometry, Analysis, and Mathematical Physics, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook, NY, USA, October 30, 2023: Dynamics and Periodicity Conditions for the Integrable Boltzmann System
Cal Poly Simple Group, Cal Poly Math Department, San Luis Obispo, CA, USA, October 18, 2023: Mathematical Billiards, Part I
Symmetry for Group Actions in Differential Geometry, Matrix Institute, Creswick, Vic., Aus, May 25, 2022: Minkowski Billiards on the Hyperboloid of One Sheet
Teaching Highlights
Math 19A Online, Calculus 1 for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics Online (University of California, Santa Cruz)
Learn more | View syllabusNumber Theory (Stanford Pre-Collegiate Summer Institutes)
Learn more | View syllabusMath 112 – The Nature of Modern Math (Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo)
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